Oil Change Service in Des Moines, IA

It’s obvious a regular oil change make your car last long. You can save yourself from unexpected problems by visiting one of our qualified technicians for an occasional inspection.
A benefit of getting your oil changed at Beckley’s is our 30 point written safety inspection. An ASE certified technician, experienced with your type of car, performs a thorough 30 point inspection including your car’s brakes, steering, suspension, tires, lights, fluids, etc. Our specialists know what to look for and how to respond to anything out of the ordinary. The results and any needs are noted and a written report is attached to your invoice.
Ed Harris said, “A benefit not available at the quick lubes; I can get a quick oil change anywhere. When I get my car back, I want to know that my brakes and tires and everything else are safe for me and my family
“How often should I change my oil?”
With the advent of synthetic oils and cleaner engines, manufacturers have promoted extended oil change intervals. Some up to 15,000 miles! To see how this affects your car see: ”How often should I change my oil?”